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Signs of a Computer Virus

Is your computer running very slowly?
 Do you see some random messages popping up on the screen or some applications starting automatically? These indications prove that your computer has been infected by a virus. It could also be a spyware or a malware. It is important to immediately get rid of the virus because it can cause you some serious damage.

What do you do if your computer has a virus and how to tell if your pc has a virus. 
If you suspect your computer could be infected by a virus, look out for these symptoms:

  1. You get warnings from the anti-virus software installed in your PC.
  2. Your computer begins to slow down.
  3. Your internet speed gets slower.
  4. The home page of your web browser changes.
  5. You begin to receive a huge amount of pop up advertisements.
  6. You will notice new toolbars in your browser.
  7. You will find new unnecessary icons on your desktop.
  8. You will not be able to access some websites.
  9. Some spywares will not even show its presence and only a scan will be able to discover them.
  10.  Virus hoaxes can be dangerous; you need to be aware of them.

Getting rid of viruses and spyware is not an easy task. It is time consuming and requires special software. Moreover, you do not need to panic because decisions made in a rush at such moments can cause even more harm than the virus itself.

Usually it is possible to completely remove the virus, but in some cases, it becomes difficult to get rid of the virus completely. Some viruses can block your access to security websites and also disable the system’s built in defense mechanisms, so removing such viruses and spywares is a complicated task. It is better to get technical support instead of experimenting yourself.

How to get rid of a computer virus and how to deal with viruses 
Immediate actions are needed and follow these safety tips:

  • Never click on free pop-ups. Even if they offer software like anti-virus and anti-spyware, do not click on them.
  • Contact any sort of IT support which you may have, like friends or family.
  • If you have asked for an IT specialist, do not use your computer till he/she arrives to check the system.
  • If you are not using the internet, disconnect the connection.
  • Take a backup of your important data (see How to Make regular backups).
  • If you already have anti-virus software installed, download the latest signature and run a complete scan.
  • Once the system scan is complete, you will be advised that which applications need to be deleted from your system. Delete them!

In case you do not have an anti-virus installed, or your software is not updated, you always have an option to run a free scan from the internet. Almost all the leading security software firms provide a free online scan and inform you if your system is infected or not. McAfee and Symantec are two of the best security systems and both have a free online system scan on their official websites. They also guide you regarding the removal of viruses and tell you that which removal tools will be helpful for you in removing the viruses from your system. Immediate action is recommended because viruses can have access to your private information, like passwords and credit card numbers, and that information can be used in criminal activities as well.

A few important tips:

  • Change passwords on regular basis, especially if you feel that your system is infected.
  • Use strong and unpredictable passwords.
  • Keep a check on your credit card and bank statements in order to see if there is an unusual transaction.
  • Look out for others signs which direct towards identity theft